Why manufacturing companies need a website?
According to Google Manufacturing business has one of the highest searches across India.
Almost all over India people search for Manufacturers and having a website for manufacturing business has become very important.
SOURCE: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=IN&q=manufacturers
Home Page has 6 Things to Access
Key Feature: Get A Quote
This is a key feature for any manufacturing company. Since any manufacturer completely works according to the requirement of the customer.
A customer just needs to provide the requirement through this page and get a quote.
Key Feature: About Us
About page has 4 sections:
- Our Team- In this section, you can provide the details of your team.
- Our Customer- In this section, you can provide the details of your old and trusted customers
- Testimonials- In this section, you can provide the details of your customer's testimonials and feedbacks.
- FAQ’s- This is a very important section as this will help you to clarify customers doubts and provide the better service.
Key Feature: BROCHURES
- In manufacturing sectors, consumers tend to see the description of the product, machines, projects etc.
- To ensure the consumers are getting what they need we have introduced “BROCHURES” where the end user can download and see the modules on their own post which they can take a decision of going with the manufacturer or not.
- This allows the merchant to save a lot of time in sending these details to the end users and also explaining the same.
Key Feature: LATEST NEWS
- Keeping end consumers updated is very important about any new product launch or any new specification changes for any product.
- This tab allows you to post the latest news about the products on a daily basis.
- This also helps the customer to take any decision faster.
- This also helps the website to remain dynamic and helps in growth in SEO of the website.
Key Feature: PROJECTS
- A business becomes a brand only when they have very good projects to showcase.
- Showcasing how good the ongoing projects are helping to get more customers.
- These projects let the business become a brand and create a trust factor within the new consumers to go ahead with the manufacturer.
Manage ROI
- Monitoring and working on the ROI have become easier than ever with Boost Portal.
- Web Portal: www.boost.nowfloats.com
Customize Your Website
- Now you can customize what you want with the “Customizations” tab.
- All your content will be managed via this feature at one place.
For more info: https://www.nowfloats.com/product/manufacturing-equipment?v=129
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